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Thursday 8 August 2013

On-Page SEO, The Future of Search Engine Optimization

On-page SEO is the Search Engine Optimization of a particular webpage by implementing keywords and phrases properly. On-page SEO is becoming popular as the old and tricky strategies are gradually cut down by modern algorithms of search engines. Search engines are becoming more and more intelligent now a day and rank websites with worthy content only. In past, it was easy to get your website ranked by building some backlinks and by using tricky keywords in meta description and so on. But the future is changing. Now those websites will survive only which understand and follow the search engine strategies. I am going to share some basic and important on-page SEO tips which will help you optimizing your website according to modern search engine algorithms.

Some Basic Tips for On-Page SEO

To do a good on-page SEO on your website, follow the below discussed techniques and improve the visibility of your webpages in search results of search engines.
  • On-Page SEO Tip 1. Use Keywords in Title Properly
It is the most important technique which was applicable in past, works in present and will work in future. Before giving a title to your post or page content, analyze it and point out the keywords which best describe the page or post’s content. Then use an online tool, like Adwords Keyword Tool, to evaluate the most searched keywords. After evaluation, combine them to construct a good title for your webpage. This will help search engines a lot to identify, select and show your content in their results when your keywords are searched.
  • On-Page SEO Tip 2. Use Keywords in Meta Description Properly
In future, search engines may ignore the meta description of the webpages, as these description are only  a reference for web surfer who searches. The descriptions tell the searcher that what the page is about. It doesn’t mean that they are valueless. These descriptions decide mostly either the searcher clicks your link or not. Search engines also count the keywords in meta description to rank websites in their results.
  • On-Page SEO Tip 3. Use Heading Tags Properly
The second most important factor after the title in on-page SEO is manipulation of headings properly in pages. H1, H2 and H3 tags are taken into account by search engines. Other tags H4, H5 and so on are also important but the first three headings should contain your most important keywords. For example, you are writing an article on online earning. Then your first heading might be “Best Online Earning Ways”. Use your most important keywords in H1, lesser important keywords in H2 and so on.
  • On-Page SEO Tip 4. Maintain a Proper Density of Keywords in Content
To do the best on-page SEO on your website, use as many as possible keywords in your content, but remember that the keywords should be used properly and make it sure that they are not making your writing ugly. The more keywords your content will contain, the more it will seem to be worthy in eye of search engines.
  • On-Page SEO Tip 5. Use At-least One Image
You should use at least one image with ALT text in your each post or webpage. Your image should be eye-catching for your visitors and should contain ALT text for search engines. To use at least one image in posts and webpages is considered vital for modern on-page SEO.
  • On-Page SEO Tip 6. Use Bold and Italics in Writing
In addition to manipulation of headings, bold and italic words also get attention of search engines. So throughout your writing, show main words and sub headings in bold and italics to make search engines consider your content when its keywords are searched.
These were six basic and important tips for On-Page SEO Tip. I hope that these will help you. If you haven’t applied these techniques on your website yet, then keep them in mind while optimizing your webpages for search engines afterward.


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