Best Free Web Host Which is Better Than Several Paid Hosts
If you are searching for a free web host which could offer you features like a paid hosting, and even better features than several paid hosts, then I am recommending a great free service which comes with the following features.
- 10GB disk space
- 100GB bandwidth/month
- 10 MySQL databases
- 10 add-on domains (you can use your own custom domains)
- 10 sub-domains
- FTP support
- One-click installation of scripts (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and much more)
- Apache version latest
- Latest PHP version
- Latest MySQL version
- Linux operating system
- Latest cPanel
- Website builder
- SEO tools collection
- Full control on databases and FTP accounts
- Easy DNS and PHP configuration
- 24/7 support
- 99.9% uptime
- No advertisements
What else you can expect from a web host. These are some common features which I have discussed with you. You will find much more there on that great host. The host, about which I am talking is Hosting. If you are thinking that you can’t afford for a good hosting, than Free Hosting is much better than a cheap host. You will find this host surely much better as I did. I have transferred my one blog from my own hosting to the free hosting of and I am satisfied from the services of this nice hosting. I would like to strongly recommend you once more. Go for this free hosting which is really better than many paid hosts.
What Makes the Best Free Web Host?
- 10GB space is not available even on Blogger and WordPress free hosting. If you have a cheap hosting plan, even the paid plan will not offer you 10GB storage space
- 10 MySQL databases allow you to install a lot of scripts
- 100GB per month data transfer is not offered by any other free web host
- 10 Ad-on domains are supported at, you can redirect your custom domains to your free hosting
- FTP Support allows you to transfer data between your computer and server easily
- cPanel-Latest version of cPanel is available on which is the most famous control panel of the world
- One-click script installer allows you to install the CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla easily
- Full Control on Databases, FTP and PHP Configuration gives you the authority to manage your website the way you like
- SEO Tools help you in optimizing your website for search engines
- 99.9% uptime
- and your website is always ad-free
There are much more features which I haven’t covered in this post. You will agree that the hosting is the best free hosting after you signup there.
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