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Thursday 8 August 2013

Earn Money by Forum Posting

Freelance writing can be a difficult way to earn a living. Writers need to spend as much time looking for new clients or companies to work for as they do writing. If you enjoy writing but don’t want to be tied to writing multiple long articles on subjects you don’t know much about, there is an opportunity available that you may not have heard of before – paid forum posting.

 That’s right. People will actually pay you to post in their forums! This is probably the easiest way for a freelance writer to start earning an income online as it is pretty easy to get accepted to most of the forum posting companies. Even if you already earn with your writing, forum posting is an easy and fun way to supplement your income a few minutes at a time.
 There are three ways to find work as a paid forum poster:
 1. Answer an ad at a marketing forum – It is very easy to get hired as a paid poster with the first method but the average payment offered is only a dime per post. Some offers are for as little as a penny per post! A good quality forum post is at least a couple of sentences or around 25 words. That ends up being less than half a cent per word, which is pretty pathetic for a decent writer.
 2. Find a forum that pays people to post and join it – Finding forums that pay posters isn’t very easy these days, although there still are a few around. Most of these offer only revenue sharing, which is almost always no more than pennies per month, or the only ones who make any real money are contest winners. The ones you do find tend to be limited in duration because once the forum takes off, the owner ends any paid posting.
3. Apply and get accepted to a company that specializes in paid posting – Working with a specialist company that deals with paid forum posting is the best option for a real income. These companies will have an application process as well as some sort of testing, most likely, but that is no hardship for a good writer. A company will offer better payment than almost any other paid forum posting opportunity out there.
As you can see, the third option is the best one for most writers. The advantages are more than just the higher payment, though. One of the biggest advantages for writers who work with a paid forum posting company is that the company will do all the marketing. You no longer have to go searching for work, just be available to pick up the jobs that the company acquires.
The best company to work for is Paid Forum Posting. The company has been around since 2005, pays the highest rates in the industry to writers, and has an excellent reputation in the business. Not only do they have scores of ongoing clients with ongoing jobs, but the company is constantly marketing their services and acquiring new clients. What this means to the writer is that there is never a lack of work – how many companies can say that?


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